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Ask HN: Best host for a one-page website?
38 points by nahcub on June 28, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 45 comments
I have a single HTML page that I want to put online. What's the best way to do so? I would like to keep it as cheap as possible.

I'll echo: - Github Pages

Also you can look at: - https://neocities.org/ is ad free and free

Then if you're willing to compromise a bit, these are easy and free:

- Wordpress if you want to post an article. It'll put spam on your page though.

- Google sites is a good wiki style solution for posting a few things up with a wysiwyg editor.

- If you don't want it to be an html page, there is also google docs and google drive so you can share an artifact.

I can second neocities.org. I only have one site hosted there but it's fast, free, easy, and supports having your own domain name.

I'm pretty sure Google Sites shut down many years ago (to new accounts).

it's harder to access than I thought but it's still available - it's for google business accounts though, so scratch that. I used it internally so wasn't aware of the conditions.

It's not just for google business accounts, they just made it even more difficult to find for personal accounts. I ran into this about a week ago.

In GMail, click the tile icon > More > Even more from Google > scroll to Home & Office > Sites. From there you can create Google Sites for personal use.

Github pages is a great way to go, you basically push to a branch called "gh-pages" and a file in the root called CNAME with the domain and you're done.


I'm piggybacking off your comment, but has no one else had issues with github pages and custom domain names? I put up a static site on github pages and checked in a couple months later (it was a personal site that wasn't terribly important) only to find that it was down. No changes in the source or configuration. I moved the page pretty much immediately because I couldn't be bothered to figure out what happened.

You can do something with your own custom domain and dirt cheap rates with https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/

You can deposit some money and if it doesn't get used, it just stays in the account, rather than an automatic cost per month.

Seconded. Love NFS - happily coped with HN spikes as well, and cheap as chips, especially for static content.

I tried it a few years ago, and I had to use a specialized ftp program to upload files. Do they have anything web-based now, like Cpanel?

I've been with them for like a decade, and I don't think you've ever needed a specialized program. Use whatever you'd normally use to copy files over ssh, sftp, or ftp (but don't use ftp).

Yeah, this. They just use SFTP, which pretty much any program can do. Or just SSH.

But nothing web based - there's a little learning curve, but the forum support is fantastic.

Along with the others, I'm really confused by this. Not only do I just use regular programs, I even use makefiles to deploy on some sites.

I've never seen the need of a "specialized" program.

I'm voting Amazon S3. Super cheap, scalable, and easy to set up & maintain

I haven't used this service in a VERY long time, but you can give NearlyFreeSpeech.NET a shot. They offer free hosting. https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net

I'm not sure they offer free hosting, at least not anywhere obvious on their website. But they do offer a "pay what you use" model.

I believe Github Pages is right for you. It is free.


My impression:

Free hosting: https://pages.github.com/ – currently using for a couple of sites and it works very

Paid hosting: https://divshot.com/ – thinking of using for some sites – mainly because I can get https on a custom domain there, which I can't at GitHub Pages

Github pages supports SSL on custom domains through Cloudflare with full SSL.

Tumblr will probably work very well. HTML and CSS is fully customizable. You don't need to form your "theme" in a blogish fashion. Connecting a domain is free.

Tumblr is blocked in a lot of places (schools, workplaces) because of all the porn they host. So you'd likely have to have your own domain.

Seconding Tumblr. Very fast and easy to get started with.

Amazon S3 will cost you only pennies a month.

This is the best option in my opinion. You can even take advantage of their CDN if you prefer. Still pennies.


1. Sign Up 2. Drag & Drop 3. Done

Checkout http://surge.sh. Free, production grade CDN, easy-peasy CLI integration, one command deploys.

Looks very interesting. How come its free?

TLDR they have a Freemium business model http://surge.sh/help/why-is-surge-free

As others have mentioned AWS S3 is a good way to put a static page - not just a one-page website but everything that does not require a server side language - online. Additionally and IIRC without significantly increasing your bill you can put AWS CloudFront in front of your S3 bucket and you get a CDN nearly for free.

You can use Dropbox for hosting. If you have got a "public" folder, copy the HTML file into it and get a direct link.

or you can use some service like pancake (pancake.io, currently i am getting 503 error though, not sure whether it is permanently down), my.droppages(my.droppages.com) etc.

Honestly a push CDN zone like Cloudfront or https://www.keycdn.com/pricing is what I'd suggest. Its not free but its pretty close. $1/month unless its super busy.

Github pages are awesome, but I also encourage you to check out https://surge.sh/

Github pages works really well.

An example of a site running on it: http://arthur-osx.com/

I'm a big fan of divshot.io for this sort of thing. Easier to set up than the other suggestions and they've got a free tier.

Openshift has free tier. It works similar to Heroku. The downside is that it is likely overkill for a one page site.

Blogger and appengine both have ways to do this, depending on whether you prefer a gui or a command line.

https://divshot.com seems reasonable

free: github pages

cheap: static s3 index.html

GitHub pages + Cloudflare.

Google app engine. It is much cheaper than Amazon s3

Github pages or amazon S3

surge.sh It couldn't be easier (plus free for now).

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