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I can recommend Sentry which is open source and works great since many years!

https://github.com/getsentry/sentry or hosted https://getsentry.com/

Seconded! We use it extensively here. Really really valuable in our early days when we were first launching. As far as I'm concerned hooking into Sentry (or things like it) is a requirement for shipping and running a quality service. I even hook my cron jobs into it.

We just interviewed Sentry founder David Cramer about exactly this topic: http://talkingcode.com/podcast/episode-10-david-cramer/

Always great to see the love for Sentry! We have definitely looked for inspiration from workflows in places like GitHub over the years. I recall when we first built Sentry and there wasn't really anything else like it out there. Probably around the same time Haystack was conceived, and the idea was starting to gain popularity in the Ruby community. It's amazing to see how much things have changed in the last almost-decade.

Lovely how the copy on their homepage is "Shit happens — Be on top of it." Trust me, that same organizational/cultural ethos applies to customer service, wherein I dealt with petulant, arrogant and occasionally wrong 20 somethings.

The support rep engineer was truculent. Petulant was the wrong word.

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