| | Ask HN: What is the future of the programmer? | |
40 points by gls2ro on June 8, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 70 comments
| | To clarify more the question:
How do you see the programmer in the future?
Some people are talking about scientific programmer. This seems like a trend now. But is is the only perspective?
For example I'm thinking what will a programmer do in a world where there are a lot of AIs and some of them are writing code already?
Or what does a programmer need to know/to be in order to program AIs? |
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If you're the first kind of programmer, do some programming with some of the tools that interest you to learn new things and broaden your experience/understanding. If you're the 2nd kind, pick and area that interests you and roll your own. It doesn't matter if there is a big commercial code or even a big open source version out there, chances are if the right person does their homework they can build a better mouse trap. Just because something is big doesn't mean it's the best that can be, some things just have a lot of momentum.
But no, I don't really see much changing other than the list of things people build and then glue together. That basic pattern (build tools, apply tools) seems to be very persistent. Rather than worry about the future, you should open your eyes to just how wide the field is today.