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OrientDB fails to deliver on its promises. It has a load of features but they are poorly thought out and/or broken.

ArangoDB is OrientDB done right, but it's a lot younger.

If you're considering using either, you owe it to yourself to investigate whether postgres's Common Table Expressions [0] can do what you want instead. If you can stick with something more mature like postgres, then you'll be saving yourself a lot of pain.

[0] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/queries-with.html

Thanks for the suggestion, WITH keyword looks interesting

"ArangoDB is OrientDB done right"

How are you backing this ? I am sure Luca from OrientDB will have some comments.

It's my opinion based on working with OrientDB a lot and ArangoDB a bit for the last 12+ months. I used to be a big cheerleader for OrientDB, but now I don't recommend it. I'm sure Luca will have some comments but he's interested in selling his product.

Why don't you recommend it? And how does ArangoDB solve that?

Guys, IMHO I think Charles Pick (alias phpnode) doesn't deserve such attention. Even if he's trying so hard to start a flame against OrientDB I'd rather like to celebrate the Multi-Model approach. Long life to the Multi-Model approach ;-)

I've been using OrientDB for the last 7 months and as such I've been following @lvca and @phpnode (OrientDB node.js driver creator/maintainer) work closely. I have great respect and admiration for both and for what they've achieved!

@lvca, I find your comment distasteful and it's not the first time I see you trying to shutdown people who criticise OrientDB (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9253488) when you should really be thanking them for exposing the issues they face (a lot of people don't go public). It would be more productive to engage @phpnode, @anonwarnings and others, listen to them, raise issues in the bug tracker and address them. Accusing people of trolling or flaming doesn't benefit OrientDB or its users at all...

Unfortunately I haven't tried ArangoDB so I can't make any comparisons with OrientDB but I hope both succeed!

@dmarcelino always open to constructive criticism: the OrientDB Community Group has thousands of users that report their feedback every day. No one was banned nor accused for that. The case with @phpnode is much different for a lot of reasons, but this is definitely not the place to discuss it ;-)

I am evaluating Graph DB solution for a security analytics project, knowing internal project politics will surely help.

What is your opinion about OrientDB community ?

Given that the posted article is about ArangoDB I don't want steal their spotlight by turning this into an OrientDB discussion. Send me an e-mail with your questions and I'll be happy to answer them.

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