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Yeah, I was coming here to post that Git is already painless. It's a tool you are intimately using if you're doing anything other than Hello World projects with your team; it doesn't seem too much to ask to actually learn how it works. And once you know it's painless.

Edit: I was thinking about it a bit more and it's actually one of the least painful tools I have ever used on a computer...

I don't think I'm in the minority of those that know how Git works and still find it one of the most painful tools out there. The interface should be designed with UX in mind, and Git's CLI wasn't.

I guess we worked with different tools... But what UX are you referring to when you talk about the git cli? What is painful about it (answering the parents' question I guess)?

I really love how your edit is the exact opposite you original statement. Good on you for coming back and adding your further thoughts to the discussion.

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