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For those that ignore it, John Titor[0] was a time traveler sent back in time to acquire some obsolete IBM machine which is needed in the future to debug some legacy code.

[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor

You're probably not a native speaker of English, but of Latin. In Latin, `ignorare` can mean `not to know` in addition to its meaning of `not to pay attention to`, but in English, it only has the meaning of `not to pay attention to`.


There are most probably no native speakers of Latin. Maybe you meant Spanish?

How about time travellers from the Imperium Romanum?

I'm sure he meant speakers of Latin-derived languages. I see native French speakers make this mistake often in English.

Thanks for this information.

fair enough, assuming you mean "latin derived language" thanks!

Actually I assumed you were a time traveller.

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