Hi guys, I'm a full-stack web developer who's currently applying for full-time jobs, and I'm looking to brush up on my technical interview skills. Is there anyone in a similar position who would be interested in practicing together? This way we can mock interview each other and offer each other feedback.
I find that live problem solving in front of another person is very different from standing at the whiteboard yourself which is why I'm reaching out to you guys. I'm currently in Toronto but am open to practicing remotely as well.
More about my background: http://www.kortaggio.com
Contact me via email: bill.mei [at] kortaggio.com
Sit down and list all your projects you completed at your previous jobs. These will give you a great refresher and are going to be your talking points. Have both good and bad points ready. The bad points are for curve ball of questions like, "whats you're weak point." It will also show you can reflect and improve.
Go crazy lining up interviews, that's one great thing about our industry, no shortage of companies to interview with.
A few hours before each interview, look at the job description for clues. You'll pick your top three things that you feel would make you a great fit for the company based on your past experience. "Need to be able to refactor", hey that's all I did at x company for y time and of course the project was successful based on z metric.
That was mostly it, of course it helps to do a quick refresher of tech specific interview questions from google. This is mostly to boost your confidence and to keep you from feeling too nervous.
Good luck!