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How is the top voted comment here about Asia's economic rise? Whether these programs are "meant" for terrorism is irrelevant -- they are being pushed in the name of terrorism. If they are about economic power in Asia, and our politicians are using terrorism as a front to pass it, THAT is the problem. We don't need to be discussing Asia.

We don't need more government control or surveillance, period. It's obviously a bad idea, and the only way to stop it is to BE VOCAL. Call your representatives and talk to your friends and family about this important issue.

The top voted comment about Asia's economic rise agrees with your assessment, only goes further to explain potentially ulterior motives of the government to better inform those who are on the fence, as well as arming those opposed with better arguments as to why such surveillance is unnecessary.

The top voted comment is not about economics in China specifically - it is the only substantive reply that the parent got so that's what the conversation devolved into. The top comment is more broadly about the US being challenged - it's hollowing out of power. In the iron age if you can't wield iron you will be cast down. In the information if you can't wield information...

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