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Because it's really really hard to justify.

My dad is a chemist, and I recently learnt that some Fortran code he wrote in the nineties is till being used in academia.

Try to explain to his colleagues that you need an on-site engineer to maintain python code just a decade old.

Anyhow, while I disagree with the need of a dedicated engineer to port code to python3, porting isn't much of a big deal. If your dependencies work (eg: your libraries are python3-compatible), most of you work is done by 2to3. Very little effort is needed after that.

The problem up to now, has been waiting for you dependencies/libraries to achieve python3-compatibility (recursively, of course). But we've already moved past that.

There's no reason why you can't use "closed" Python 2 code, or even Fortran for that matter, from Python 3. It's just a matter of interfacing.

I highly doubt that "End of life" means you can't get it to run anymore.

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