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The issue was probably something like a broadcast storm because of defective fault detection on some redundant network kit. That won't stop people blaming it on the fact that the stack isn't built on the latest hipster frameworks.

While I see your point do we have to throw the word "hipster" at everything new?.

I'm not a huge fan of Javascript and it's proliferation of frameworks but some of that stuff is objectively both good and useful.

It's human nature to want to label things. IIRC a while ago I was watching one of those "house hunter" type shows and a husband on there was really annoying. I found a discussion online and people were calling him a "hipster douche". So, perhaps hipster by itself isn't so bad. :)

Back a long time ago the applicable pejorative was "yuppie". I haven't heard that one recently. I suspect that many people reading here would have to look it up in Wikipedia.

Edit: BTW at the time I was partial to calling people "yuppie scum". Sigh. It's so hard to keep up with the changing putdowns! :)

Using the term 'hipster' to refer to the newest and shiniest web framework always felt like a bit of a misnomer to me. A solid portion of hipsterdom is rooted in recycling of the obscure and of the vintage (vinyl, the popularity of the lumber sexual look, etc). It seems like the 'hipster' thing to do would be to write a web framework in PL/I or cobol or something.

New and obscure are all too frequently synonymous.

That said, there might be a market for a web framework in PL/I there is a whole lot of IBM big iron out there :-P

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