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Streisand[0] also only takes about 10 times, but with fewer mouse clicks and is much, much more secure. By default it tunnels OpenVPN over stunnel so that your connections looks exactly like regular SSL sessions (albeit SSL sessions that last for months at a time).


Streisand is amazing. I did the VPN setup that is mentioned in the OP, and it worked well .. but then I read your comment and set it up too .. and its just lightyears ahead in terms of what you get out of the process at the end.

is there a way to use streisand at an existing instance of EC2/DO ?


Streisand is just a bundle of ansible playbooks so it can easily be deployed on any server that meets the requirements: Debian 7 or similar.

It also has a nice menu to deploy to Amazon, Linode, Digital Ocean and Rackspace without extra effort.

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