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> In your text, you'll have to mark specifically which part are in Japanese and which part are in Chinese and use different font for them. If you don't, the characters look wrong.

Most non-trivial text-rendering systems need to know the language of the text in order to properly render it. This is not only an issue for Japanese/Chinese but also e.g. English/German with different hyphenation rules[0], different rules for ligatures[1] and different rules/preferences for spacing after punctuation[2]. None of these can sensibly be solved by Unicode.

[0] ‘backen’ (to bake) becomes bak-ken when hyphenated at the end of a line, ‘airlock’ can’t be hyphenated at all between c and k.

[1] ‘Schiff’ (ship) should be rendered with a ligature ff, ‘Dampfflut’ (~ steam flow?) shouldn’t. ‘afferent’ probably should have it.

[2] Single space after ‘.’ and ‘,’ in German, whereas French tends to prefer more space after ‘.’.

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