I noticed that the description says, "Inspired by SourceTree" for the line-by-line staging feature, but actually git-cola[1] invented that feature, before even git-gui, and SourceTree just copied us 8^)
Also, if you're going to have that feature you should consider implementing the entire thing ~ it's not enough to have line-by-line (un)staging. You also need line-by-line reverting of modified changes, and support line-by-line (un)staging while amending commits.
I'll definitely be sharing this with my sublime-using coworkers, very cool.
I wish I'd remembered git-cola when I started work on this! SourceTree doesn't really reveal what it does under the hood when staging lines, and I was looking for something open source to reference.
I totally agree about additional use cases for manipulating lines. v1.0 included the features I use every day and allowed me to use it as my daily driver. I'll add a couple of issues for this. Thanks!
After re-reading your comment, one additional note. Line/hunk reverting is supported. I think it could stand improvement with regard to amending commits, tho!
I'm not familiar with Git-cola, but Magit on Emacs has had line/selection staging, unstaging, reverting etc. for a very long time. (Edit: well over 7 years)
Thanks for the positive reception folks. I was boarding a plane just as this hit the front page. Feel free to reach out or file an issue if there's something useful you'd like to see added.
I bought SublimeGit a while ago, and have been reasonably happy with it, but this looks much better (and has many of the features I would have wanted from sublime git).
I have been using it consistently over the last while, and I was reasonably confident of completeness and robustness enough to call it ready to share. That being said, there may be bugs in some of the darker corners. I'm pretty happy with how it has turned out so far, and I'll be watching for any issue submissions.
Actually I'm pretty sure the feature overlap of this and GitGutter is nil.
GitGutter shows you the diff in the sidebar, whereas this is a general git usage tool (closer to SublimeGit), that has per-line staging (e.g. run git add on only some lines of this file) features that make tools like emacs's magit so powerful.
Also, if you're going to have that feature you should consider implementing the entire thing ~ it's not enough to have line-by-line (un)staging. You also need line-by-line reverting of modified changes, and support line-by-line (un)staging while amending commits.
I'll definitely be sharing this with my sublime-using coworkers, very cool.
[1] https://github.com/git-cola/git-cola