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Udacity (http://udacity.com/jobs) - Mountain View, CA Openings: Full-Stack Engineer, Backend Engineer, Front-End Engineer, Lead Designer, Product Designer

I recently saw an interactive map of the US[1]. Each state had its most common profession listed over the period of 1978-2014. For 2014, you'll see that truck driving is by far and away and the most common profession. No real surprise there. However, if you look closely, you'll see that in Utah, Virginia, Washington and Colorado that software developer has become that states most common profession. How amazing! I am convinced that within the next 2-8 years, we'll start to see a gargantuan shift where tech skills are in such demand (even more so than now) that Software Developers become the most commonplace profession across the US and world. Udacity will be powering the education behind all of that.

If you're world-class in what you do, please get in touch at oliver@udacity.com.

1. http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2015/02/05/382664837/map-the-...

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