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There is a proposed US-EU equivalent of the Australia - Hong Kong arbitration panel for ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement), http://www.computerworlduk.com/blogs/open-enterprise/ttip-up...

"So what the European Commission is proposing with the dispute resolution chapter is how future clashes with the US over those key social constructs should be resolved. And the answer is: by a three-person arbitration panel.

That is, key aspects of everyday life - the social, environmental and safety protections that have been laid down over decades or more - can be thrown out purely on the say of those three people if it is decided that they clash with TTIP. And remember: "The ruling of the arbitration panel shall be unconditionally accepted by the Parties."

So if, for whatever reason, the arbitration panel says a well-established regulation protecting health and safety, or the environment, has to go, well, it has to go, even if the vast majority of the public that it will effect disagrees."

AFAIK, the ISDS has been met with enough opposition that it has been essentially expunged from the treaty.

How do you know that for sure when the meetings are held in private?

References would be helpful, the citation above is only a week old, and Computerworld has been following the subject closely.

It looks like I misremembered. The result of the public consultation was overly against ISDS, but the setback was less major that I thought.

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