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I worked on this problem for a private company. We ended up doing quite a bit to accomplish this: hired a team to edit OSM data, and wrote our own router. What we learned is that OSM data can be quite terrible at times in minute ways that made it look decent but made routing nearly impossible. I believe this effort is still ongoing and in at least the areas where that company has clients the OSM data is now much more pristine.

I sort of wish the router got open sourced, but then again it was not great for long distance routing since we were doing mostly local stuff. For example, routing across the US would have taken pretty close to exponential time.

Interestingly, we could not make Google Maps, or any other maps work for this besides OSM for two reasons: the data wasn't good enough and the roads were not uniquely and stably identified in the routes these API's produced.

Lastly, I will say that the biggest challenge to using OSM at scale, aside from varying quality of data was lack of good servers and documentation. Some of their secondary services run on one-off slowish hardware with pretty strict rate limits. We would run our own, except the documentation (and the packaging) for OSM software was leaving something to be desired. That is to say if you want to help OSM, there are plenty of ways to do so.

"What we learned is that OSM data can be quite terrible at times in minute ways that made it look decent but made routing nearly impossible."

This is exactly why we've exposed routing on the front page of osm.org.

I run my own site with OSM-based routing, http://cycle.travel/map . When I first got the routing engine up and running, I literally spent the next fortnight fixing routing bugs in OSM - "I'd go that way, why doesn't the router agree?".

By putting routing front-and-centre, we're hoping that our dedicated contributors - and OSM contributors are nothing if not dedicated! - will do exactly that: they'll find an error and fix it. In the UK and Germany this'll just be little slip-ups, turn restrictions and so on, but in the US there are whole counties that need serious fixup.

That's why I submitted the pull request for this[1] and why I'm delighted it's now live. OSM is already a great display map; by making routing more visible, we can make it a great routable map too.

[1] https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/pull/...

I didn't know about cycle.travel until I read OSM's announcement this morning. The site is great even if a little slow. I planned a 110 km route mostly on unpaved roads and it did well. I run into a couple of glitches but I don't know if they happened because of the routing algorithm or the data. Is there a way to report them beside taking a screenshot?

Glad it went well! There's no automated "report a problem with this" but I'm always happy to take a look - either via the site forum or email, whichever's easiest.

I posted to the forum right now, same nick as here.

OSM suffers because everyone creates his own (closed source) layer service and his own (closed source) routing service.

Instead the community should be on the OSM site and contribute to open layers hosted on the official page and open routing code so that the OSM map data can be tuned for it. But apparently it goes in the opposite direction :(

What you see on cycle.travel _is_ an open source router. They run https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend Actually, I don't really see where you get that impression from. Very few commercial providers use their own routing stack. It is almost always OSRM or pgRouting if you want something that scales for world-wide routing.

It says it uses a 3rd party service. Can you clarify why OSM isn't dogfooding it's own router? Though I'm a huge fan of OSM that sounds like a bit of a let down.

For one, it's anything but easy to write a fast and correct routing engine that produces good results. OSRM was (mainly) written by Dennis Luxen who literally has a PhD in route planning.

Secondly, if these projects already exist and are easy to integrate, I fail to see why it should be problematic for OSM to use them. OSRM is completely open source, anyone can spin up their own instance if they wanted to, so someone else can host it if the current server goes down. Open source routing engines like OSRM exist so that OSM doesn't need to roll their own. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how you construe this to be a bad thing.

OSM is much more decentralised than that. There isn't really a central OSM body that controls everything. 2 of the 3 routing engines used are written by members of the OSM community, are open source, and are designed to work with OSM data. Should we count them as "3rd party" or not? They aren't hosted on the main OSM servers, instead hosted on the servers of the respective projects.

OSM is primarily a data project. There isn't currently any notion of providing centralized end user services.

The various services on openstreetmap.org don't have terribly strict usage policies, but they all pretty much ask heavy users to set up their own instance (or use other resources; for example, Mapquest has quite generous free usage, and there are lots of paid OSM tile hosters).

If you click the stack on the right tool bar, you get a layers menu, where 4 of the styles are rendered and served by other projects. So the routing is similar to that, showcasing how the data can be used.

Yes, it's great that it's possible to use OSM for many different purposes.

However, all these compromises on the front page are too complicated for end users and scare them off.

End users expect services that seamlessly work together. If centralization is needed to achieve that, then yes, OSMF needs centralization.

The front page isn't intended for end users in the sense of "people looking for a map or directions", it's mainly focused on people who intend to map.

People find it hard to get out of the "Google Maps" mindset, just as everyone approached Linux as a "Cheap Windows" when in reality it can be so much more.

OSM's strategy (and data) aren't perfect, but they're growing the pie rather than fighting for a larger slice and doing pretty well with it. Just like using Linux has become a no-brainer for all sorts of projects from smartphones to supercomputer clusters to educational toys OSM is well on it's way to being the default peer-produced commons for geographical data. Whether that usage happens on one site or a million different commercial, government, non-profit and amateur sites isn't important.

I was trying to describe things as they are, not take a side.

The interest generated by this change demonstrates your point well enough, OSRM has been available at http://map.project-osrm.org/ with worldwide coverage for quite a while, and the other projects are also up for quite a while.

I even see a bunch of OSM enthusiasts who were apparently oblivious to the availability of the routing services (saying 'wow, it works good' sort of indicates they haven't seen it work before).

Because there is no "own router".

The routers are written by small teams that don't talk to each other. On the OSM routing mailing list, there was very little / no meaningful discussion in the last 2 or 3 years.

"Some of their secondary services run on one-off slowish hardware with pretty strict rate limits."

Well everything has a cost and while OSM wants to make their website useful for mappers you shouldn't rely on data API to build a business. For example for the geocoding service there are quite a few abusers who'd run (or try) 1 million requests per day. The hardware is actually quite fast and expensive.

(I'm biased. We're running a geocoding SaaS based on open data http://geocoder.opencagedata.com/)

Right. Which is why we wrote our own storage and API and the router on top of it.

It's worth noting that the OSM community has been aware of the routing deficiencies for a long time, so this isn't something that an outsider needed to tell them. See for example this 2009 project which ran a router on the data between the 250 largest cities in the US and found (primarily due to the Tiger sourced data) that entire counties could be cut off from neighbours at boundaries.


They just started with the most important connectivity problems and worked their way down. As the data improved more and more corporate users found it close enough for their needs and started contributing the fixes they needed in a positive feedback loop.

There's now various commercial organisations either fixing the map directly for their own benefit or providing lists of issues for the community to address through projects like Maproulette (http://maproulette.org/) which can point you to random (or nearby) issues for you to fix based on various automated checks (e.g. rivers running uphill) or open data like a list of soccer pitches in France.

I tried maproulette.org. It wanted me to “sign in”, but it turned out it wanted me to log in to OSM, so that was fine. But then OSM asked me to verify MapRoulette to “allow reading my user preferences”. Since it wasn’t obvious what constitutes my preferences or not – my OSM account’s e-mail address has the caption “will never be shown publicly” on it, but would MapRoulette be given my e-mail address? I decided not to risk it and closed the tab.

No, it doesn't include your email address.

> OSM data can be quite terrible at times in minute ways that made it look decent but made routing nearly impossible

Please do elaborate! I often spend a lot of time just figuring out what the best practices are to map. I'd like to make the map data perfect for all uses but I don't know what kind of tags are needed when I'm mapping.

One example I often run into is where dissimilar ways meet. For example a footpath that crosses a road. The path and the road should share a node. If not, then it will look fine on the rendered map but it won't be routable. (Of course, if the path is bridged over the road with no access between them then they shouldn't share a node.)

Good example.

Another common example is one-way streets. If you have several sections of a street with conflicting one-way markings like this:

      ----> . <---- . ---->
then the street becomes unroutable (assuming no intersections at the .s). I found this was a fairly common issue on the entry/exit flares at roundabouts.

There's various automated tools to do this:


the very simple algorithm we used for Streets & Trips to start was "get to an interstate on both ends, then route the middle bit" with a bias towards staying on larger roads longer. as it turns out you don't get optimal results but you do get pretty good results with very little computation.

The algorithm behind OSRM is actually fairly new, and quite clever. By generating some expensive lookup tables up front, it's possible to do exact shortest-path route finding on huge near-planar graphs (like, say, all the roads in the USA) in a matter of milliseconds, or even microseconds.

It's a great example of how theoretical CS research can have a huge impact on practical applications.


http://algo2.iti.kit.edu/documents/routeplanning/geisberger_... (PDF)

It is not a lookup table - think more of some additional shortcuts you introduce for a certain mode. This way you get lots of speed but loose flexibility. In GraphHopper you can enable and disable it, the code is here https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper/blob/master/core/...

If you are interested in further details on algorithms for route planning, check out http://i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/teaching/sommer2014/route... for a whole lecture on them (slides are in English). Each chapter also contains a list of relevant publications.

Can you point to the actual code?

Looks like it might be https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/tree/master/con... , but I don't know for sure.

OSM needs open source layers and open source routing code. The related mailing lists are rarely used as no one contribute back and only want to run a closed layer or routing service. The OSM project needs the opposite, to dogfood it. Otherwise the data won't be tuned to work better with certain layers and routing.

Here is the source code for 2 of the routing engines that are used:

https://github.com/Project-OSRM https://github.com/graphhopper

Two engines of the three included on osm.org are open source or what do you mean??

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