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Thanks for the feedbacks.

The service is in its early preview state. The "Scroll" mode will be there soon to enable users to copy & paste the content properly.

I understand that it is a bit cumbersome to use from phone side devices. Please try the service from your desktop and use keyboards "left/right/pgdn/pgup".

All your feedbacks are great and hope that I can pull the level of the service to higher and higher.

Please contact me at minsu@bbdbu.com if you need to further discuss anything.

Minsu Chief Engineer buk.io

If you're going to use page up / page down, give me home/end as well.

DO NOT take my left/right keys. I use those to center text on page, not navigate.

If you navigate me off of an edit dialog losing work-in-progress I will hunt you down and pickle your petunias.

I loved the horizontal scrolling idea! I hate to read in desktop just because of the vertical layout of posts. It is very difficult on the eye (like a non-stop panning shot in a film). Give us a more enriched experience ad you are there! Great job.

I see. Will definitely try to minimize gimmicks for the sake of the eyes. Thanks for your encouragement!

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