| | How can I learn algorithm from scratch | |
14 points by ankit1911 on Jan 27, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
| | I had started with C programming on UNIX system about 3 years ago. Currently, I am comfortable with system & network programming. However, the biggest problem I face while coding is my lack of knowledge in the area of algorithm. A few weeks back someone suggested me a book named CLRS, however, even this introduction book is getting heavy now.
I am very poor at mathematics. There are tons of experienced folks out here, so I would be very grateful if you guys can let me know how I should start on my way to be good at algorithms.
Thanks. |

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The great thing about self-directed learning is that there is so much time over which to acquire new knowledge in the area. And in the age of the internet there are vast resources available on any computing topic.
The best resource for learning algorithms is Wikipedia. It doesn't stand alone and a lot of the typical algorithm article will go over most people's head but the more you learn the more of an article will make sense each time you come back to it.
Finally, there are only a few people who are objectively good at designing algorithms - Tarjan, Hoare, Dijkstra for example. Most of what is professionally good is pattern matching existing algorithms to new situations. That's the art that Knuth has spent sixty years describing.