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Spreadsheet of all TED talks (spreadsheets.google.com)
82 points by kirubakaran on Oct 12, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I was a little disturbed by this. Maybe this is common knowledge to everybody else, but I wasn't aware that I was exposing my gmail id by viewing a google spreadsheet.

If you go to "spreadsheet view", there's a drop down list of all the people who are viewing the spreadsheet now. Those are their gmail id's, for all to see.

Since I personally try to protect my gmail id, I thought this was worth mentioning.

I think this might be innocent on Google's part since they probably intend for the "sharing" feature to be used for colloboration, not necessarily for publishing to random visitors.

Viewing in simple list mode due to high traffic to this document.

I didn't realize Google Docs throttled you when sharing documents...?

edit: thanks for sharing this, found some new videos to watch today

it would be great to have a web-app where you could mark single talks as more interesting than others (for yourself), and perhaps as already viewed...

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