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Github is also very vulnerable on price if you have the need for a lot of small, private repos. If Amazon charges on storage (like they do with S3) instead of the number of repos, it will make this a compelling alternative for a lot of businesses.

Bitbucket is excellent for that use case. In fact, github often isn't even an option since even the largest plan is limited to 125 private repos. Bitbucket, meanwhile, has no limits on the number of repos (it's a fee per user instead)

> even the largest plan is limited to 125 private repos

Leaving the conversation about small plans aside, we can set up a plan for you that has as many private repositories as you need. Just email sales@github.com and we can get it set up for you.

Bitbucket is superb overall - the issue tracker, wiki and pricing are so much better than Github.

The only thing that Bitbucket devs wont add is gist :(

As far as I can tell, VS Online also allows "unlimited" projects and repos per project. And TFS's non-SCM features are pretty nice. Plus it's free for the first 5 users.

GitHub is priced by repo, BitBucket is priced by user, and both non-negligible. I'm looking forward to knowing Amazon's pricing and web UI.

Surely they will follow suit as their other apps and price by actual usage with no 'unlimited' this or that.

Something like http://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/ combo of storage + requests

Our company has more than 125 private repos on GitHub. It just requires contacting their sales department first.

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