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Philosophy PhD here. Get a degree in a STEM field and do philosophy on the side, possibly as a minor. Philosophy is badly in need of people who possess serious expertise in other fields and who can bring their expertise to bear on philosophical issues. We've had enough of people who only ever studied philosophy.

On the other hand, if your university has some sort of interdisciplinary program that combines philosophy with computer science, cognitive science, or some other STEM field, then go for it. Just make sure that it's a stable, well-funded, populous program (not something that only exists for the sake of placating a particular professor), and that your degree looks sciencey enough, e.g. it says B.Sc. instead of B.A.

Of course, YMMV depending on your university and the availability (or lack thereof) of certain faculty members during your stay.

Speaking as someone who wasted time and money on an interdiciplinary philosophy programme that existed only for the sake of placating a particular professor (like, they didn't even bother making sure that the timetables were compatible), this is really great advice.

A lot of said programmes exist for exactly that reason.

There is nothing I hate more than a philosopher who doesn't know physics and information science. (Actually... there are a lot of things that are worse, but they do still annoy me quite a bit.)

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