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Why Parse the User Agent? (jefftk.com)
90 points by jefftk on Nov 22, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 74 comments

Unfortunately, encouraging people to parse the UA header leads to them getting it wrong in a way that would be amusing if it wasn't so irritating.

For example FirefoxOS has a UA string of the from User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 Mobile Gecko/28 Firefox/32.0'. There's an example in bugzilla of a major site that, not only depends on the file details of that format, but will send the mobile version of the site if and only if the number after Firefox is even and in the range 18 < = x <= 34.

Such examples are not one-offs either. In fact it is so common for sites to screw up here that browser vendors often resort to sending specially crafted UA strings to certain sites in order that the content become accessible. The most extreme example of this was pre-blink Opera which had much better compat than it was given credit for, but was often blocked — acidentially or intentionally — from sites that effectively whitelisted certain browsers. As a result it used an auto-updated list of sites for which it had to send an alternate UA string [1] as well as a sophisticated system of javascript injection to work around more complex bugs in these sites [2].

[1] https://github.com/operasoftware/browserjs/blob/master/deskt... [2] https://github.com/operasoftware/browserjs/blob/master/deskt...

There's a whole class of old ASP sites that break if you take "like Gecko" out of the UA. It would be funny if it hadn't made me cry so often.

Why not just break them?

It's not our call. We run a specialty aggregating search engine for a certain class of professionals, and the sites we pull data from were mostly developed when Clinton was president, as far as I can tell. We had a set of probably ten or fifteen sites that just wouldn't work right until we added "like Gecko" to the UA. Like I said, it would have been funny if we hadn't been tearing our hair out trying to figure out why the postback call wasn't firing.

Because then people use a competing browser that doesn't break the sites they use.

Seriously doubt it. Backwards-incompatible changes (mostly, deprecating some old kludges) had happened many times and I don't think there were any severe migrations.

I'm really not sure cons of User-Agent cleanup (or complete deprecation) outweigh the pros. At the very least I think it's not obvious and is debatable.

What are the pros? Smaller requests are only going to have a very small effect on speed or bytes used.

Smaller requests, right.

Also, some privacy improvements by having less data for browser fingerprinting.

Also, if we'd consider dropping User-Agent header altogether, less ways to detect an UA, so a bit harder to show "sorry, your browser in unsupported, this site is IE^H^H Chrome-only"

Obviously, just UA header isn't even remotely sufficient for any of those reasons, but would be a good start.

The trick is not to do it yourself, this is a complex enough problem that it's worth leaving to others to do if it really matters to you.

https://github.com/OpenDDRdotORG/OpenDDR-Resources http://deviceatlas.com

I do find it slightly strange that saving a few bytes from the size of an image is suddenly of such pressing importance that we need to resort to all these hacks.

JPEG2000 has been available in some browsers for years and years now, but I've yet to see any site selectively sending it to supporting browsers to save bandwidth, or anybody advocating for doing that. JPEG2000 first became available in browsers 10+ years ago when connection speeds were very much slower than today, so the benefit of using it was even greater back then, yet it saw very limited adoption.

Also I note that the saving from using webp compared to the optimised jpeg is only 18kb, meanwhile the page wastes 40kb of bandwidth on a Google analytics script. What Google gives with one hand it takes away with the other.

Also the appropriate way of declaring what browser supports should be done through the Accept http header.

> JPEG2000 first became available in browsers 10+ years ago

Apart from Safari (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG_2000#Application_support), I'm not sure it's supported at all.

Chrome is the only browser to support WebP, as far as I know (I don't really count modern Opera or Chrome on Android as separate browsers). That was why I made the comparison.

And I guess if Safari had supported WebP back when Chrome and Safari were on the same codebase you would haven't counted them as separate browsers either?

JPEG 2000 isn't actually better than plain old jpeg.

That has become the modern accepted wisdom among some people, yes. There are some people today (e.g Mozilla) arguing that WebP isn't better than plain old jpeg either. So maybe in 5-10 years everybody will "know" that WebP was never better than jpeg.

Anyway, it would clearly have had one very significant advantage: support for transparency.

I'm working on a single page application that heavily utilizes IndexedDB. While feature detection can tell the presence of it, it tells nothing about the quality of the implementation. For example, in Safari, inserting ~9k rows takes 10 minutes, and IE doesn't support compound key path. While it's possible to write custom logic to detect the latter, it's impossible to detect the former cheaply and reliably. I guess I have to resort to UA sniffing.

The whole thing isn't worth as much as it as it seems.

In this case PageSpeed generated JPEG at significantly higher quality than WebP, so most of the file size difference is due to quality difference, not codec compression efficiency (distortion measured with DSSIM for JPEG is .009 and for WebP is .015)

If you make the comparison fair by creating JPEG (using mozjpeg) at the same quality as WebP it's 22539 vs 20158 bytes (11% saving).

We set default quality parameters for PageSpeed with the goal of producing equal quality images between WebP and JPEG, on average (quality 80 for WebP, 85 for JPEG), but you're right that in this case the WebP image is more distorted as measured by SSIM. Sorry, and thanks for catching this!

Testing now with this image, to bring the DSSIM-measured distortion on the JPEG up to 0.015 [1] I need to encode it at quality=69, which gets me a file size of 24317 [2] bytes to the 20158 [3] I had for the WebP. This is 17.1% improvement for WebP over JPEG, as opposed to the 47.7% improvement I found before. This is all with libjpeg-turbo as included by PageSpeed 1.9.

Running mozjpeg (jpegtran) with no arguments built at commit f46c787 on this image, I get 23870 bytes with no change to the SSIM [4]. This is a 15.6% webp-over-jpeg improvement.

It looks like:

1) We should run some timing tests on the mozjpeg encoder, and if it's in the same range as the WebP encoder or not too much worse switch PageSpeed from libjpeg-turbo to mozjpeg.

2) We should check that quality-80 with WebP is correct for getting similar levels of distortion as quality-85 with JPEG. Is this image just a poor case for WebP or is it typical and something's wrong with our defaults?

[1] Technically, 0.014956 with JPEG compared to 0.015060 for the WebP.

[2] http://www.jefftk.com/kitten-demo--ssim15--pagespeed.jpg?Pag...

[3] http://www.jefftk.com/kitten-demo--ssim15--pagespeed.webp?Pa...

[4] http://www.jefftk.com/kitten-demo--ssim15--mozjpeg.jpg?PageS...

Thanks for looking into this. I'm aware that choosing right quality level is a hard problem.

If you only ran mozjpeg's jpegtran on a file created with another JPEG library, you won't get benefit of trellis quantization. Try creating JPEGs with mozjpeg's cjpeg (and -sample 2x2 to match WebP's limitation).

Here are the files I've been testing (one is same size, one is same quality based on my DSSIM tool v0.5): http://i.imgur.com/O57WF19.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZBD6ioD.jpg

Is this the right set of arguments to be testing?

    $ mozjpeg/build/cjpeg
       -quality $quality

I suggest adding -sample 2x2 to ensure chroma subsampling is enabled.

Will do.

Talking to some people here, they think your DSSIM tool [1] isn't what I should use. Specifically, they said it runs blur and downscale steps aren't part of the SSIM metric. They suggested using Mehdi's C++ implementation [2], which I understand yours is a rewrite of.

Presumably you think I should use your tool instead? What makes the (D)SSIM numbers from yours a better match for human perception than those from Mehdi's? Or should they be giving the same numbers?

[1] https://pornel.net/dssim

[2] http://mehdi.rabah.free.fr/SSIM/

I'm not sure if mine is better. I do fudge blurring with fast box blur approximations rather than a proper gaussian.

I have two issues with Mehdi's implementation:

* It works on raw RGB data, which is a poor model for measuring perceptual difference (e.g. black to green range is very sensitive, but green to cyan is almost indistinguishable, but numerically they're the same in RGB). Some benchmarks solve that by testing grayscale only, but that allows encoders to cheat by encoding color as poorly as they want to.

* It's based on OpenCV and when I tested it I found OpenCV didn't apply gamma correction. This makes huge difference on images with noisy dark areas (and photos have plenty of it underexposed areas). Maybe it's a matter of OpenCV version or settings — you can verify this by dumping `ssim_map` and seeing if it shows high difference in dark areas that look fine to you on a well-calibrated monitor.

I've tried to fix those issues by using gamma-corrected Lab colorspace and include score from color channels, but tested at lower resolution (since eye is much more sensitive to luminance).

However, I have tested my tool against TID2008 database and got overall score lower than expected for SSIM (0.73 instead of 0.80), but still better than most other tools they've tested.

Actually, I just ran tests with your DSSIM and Mehdi's SSIM.cpp, and got very similar results. So never mind; the choice of SSIM tool doesn't seem to matter much here.

Author is going about this in completely the wrong way. The best way to determine if you should deliver webp or jpeg is to look at the browser's accept header [1]. In this header you will find a listing of what the browser is willing to accept and the order of preference.

[1] https://www.igvita.com/2013/05/01/deploying-webp-via-accept-...

From the article:

"To emit html that references either a JPEG or a WebP depending on the browser, you need some way that the server can tell whether the browser supports WebP. Because this feature is so valuable, there is a standard way of indicating support for it: include image/webp in the Accept header. Unfortunately this doesn't quite work in practice. For example, Chrome v36 on iOS broke support for WebP images outside of data:// urls but was still sending Accept: image/webp. Similarly, Opera added image/webp to their Accept header before they supported WebP lossless. And no one indicates in their Accept whether they support animated WebP."

That argument's pretty weak. A bug in chrome v36 on iOS, and a limitation on the forms of webp you can serve if you want them to work in Opera, are not really good enough for me to dismiss the value of Accept headers. Why are you bothered whether the browser might or might not accept animated WebP? You're trying to send a static picture of a kitten. And likewise, Opera's lack of support for lossless? Not relevant to your use case.

That's a good argument for the image host to sniff the UA string in the course of content negotiation.

It's not a good argument for crafting html that bypasses content negotiation.

The problem with solving this in content negotiation is that breaks proxy caches. If you serve uncachable html that references either jpg or webp then you can serve those resources as "Cache-Control: public", and if you include a content hash or versioning in the URL then you can send a long cache lifetime. If you use the Accept or User-Agent headers to choose what image format to send them you need to issue a Vary header, and basically all proxy caches will treat that as uncachable.

There's some progress with "Vary: Accept" support, but "Vary: User-Agent" is probably never going to be supported.

Well those are dumb problems but sniffing UA doesn't really fix them. You'll still have clients suddenly broken.

....what the heck is an animated WebP

     what the heck is an animated WebP
A drop in improvement for animated GIF: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/faq#why_should_i_us...

That doesn't explain what it actually is, though. How it does multiple frames.

It does clarify that it's at least not quite WebM, but it doesn't explain how far away it is.

Asp.Net 2.0 (and up to 3.5, which is still framework 2.0) sites use UA sniffing to determine which markup to emit for many built-in controls, like Asp:Menu. When Yosemite / iOS 8 / Safari 8 was released, anyone with a SharePoint 2007/2010 site had their navigation get all screwy. I know first hand how infuriating someone's badly designed UA sniffing can be; it happened to me, and I wrote up a fix for it [0].

Why did it happen in the first place? Where did the UA sniffing fall apart?

A poorly designed RegExp looking for "60" in Safari's UA without a word boundary or EOL check. The new Safari UA includes "600" in the relevant section, and suddenly SharePoint sites were sending markup intended for (now) ancient browsers - browsers that weren't even on the compatibility list for SharePoint in the first place.

UA sniffing does need to go away for determining what structure your markup sends to the user agent.

[0]: http://blog.sharepointexperience.com/2014/10/did-safari-or-i...

Due to using a moderately obscure browser, I've had problems with ASP.NET sites just plain refusing to include any version of the JavaScript they required for form submissions to work.

One of my systems uses the user agent "Sitetruth.com site rating system". This breaks some Coyote Point load balancers. Their parsing of HTTP headers breaks if the last letter of the header is "m". I had to stick an unnecessary "Accept /" header at the end to bypass that.

I suspect that one of their regular expressions has "\m" where they meant "\n".

Isn't the problem more that the browser can't be given multiple sources and types and allow it to chose what it believes is best?

User-Agent sniffing really does need to die. Part of me wonders what use UA headers serve beyond sniffing and analytics. EDIT: or the Accept (and content-type) header, but that's a next to worthless header anymore :-\

That's actually a solved problem! As the article mentioned, it works the other way around - the browser specifies what it can receive. Since this wasn't around from day 1 it's really opt-in. Sure, sometimes Google make a SNAFU and break webp support, but if you're on the cutting edge that's what you get.

Let's see what Chrome sends when it requests an image:

  GET /myimage.jpg
  Host: myhost.com
  Accept: image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
  Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
  Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
That Accept line is part of HTTP Content Negotiation. Chrome is saying "I want that content, and I'd like a webp if you have one. Otherwise whatever you have is fine". Ideally it would list each image type it can handle, so the server can send an appropriate error if a suitable image can't be found. History being what it is though the / is needed.

Alas this isn't really exploited enough, since you'd end up with ridiculous request sizes:

  Accept: image/webp,image/webp+lossless,image/webp+animated,*/*;q=0.8
You can see where that's going...

Accept-Encoding is the one that's used most often. Compression on the server side is very useful to reduce latency, and for static resources it is often free - servers can pre-compress them.

Accept-Language is sadly under-utilised, for the same reason we send dates from the server rather than using the user's clock - people often have misconfigured machines, or are using a friend's computer and don't want to change the language.

There's a lot of things in HTTP, it'd be a shame to reinvent the wheel in JavaScript.

     Isn't the problem more that the browser can't be given
     multiple sources and types and allow it to chose what
     it believes is best?
How would this look? If you simply did:

    <img src-options="image.jpg
There's no way for the browser to know which one it wants without downloading all of them, because extensions aren't special. But I guess we could extend srcset to let you specify content type:

    <img srcset="medium.jpg  1000w image/jpeg,
                 medium.webp 1000w image/webp,
                 large.jpg   2000w image/jpeg,
                 large.webp  2000w image/webp">

You just described the new "picture" element. It's an element with one or more "source" child elements which each have a media query and a uri, as well as an img child element to use as a fallback for non-supporting browsers.

Browser support isn't really there yet but it's coming and since it has a built-in fallback you can use it now without requiring JS workarounds.

It's under consideration in IE so now would be a good time to vote for it since it's so much cleaner than srcset:


You are very close to CSS media queries there. Perhaps there is a solution in media queries.

Why are accept headers next-to-worthless? I'm not heavily involved in front-end stuff these days but it's something I've relied on for years by now - admittedly not for image/media content, but still I'm curious.

I imagine that in the future with HTTP2 we could send the list of available browser features as HTTP headers such as Animated-WebP: Supported ? With HTTP1 the cost of sending long list of available features would be too big probably. But could HTTP2 solve this problem. If I recall correctly it only sends diffs of headers between subsequent requests in the same connection. Maybe that could be helpful for a class of problems like this one and similar.

I was just thinking a similar thing. If user agents have evolved to effectively become a way of saying "Our browser supports standards X" (where X is an awkward grouping based on which features vendors and browser versions originally supported the feature / standard), surely the ultimate solution is to provide a header enumerating support on a per-feature basis.

Obviously it would take a while for the standard to be adopted to the point where it was useful, but as a web developer I dream of a time when we receive a header that lists the supported features in the client (similar to the classnames modernizer adds to the document body, and probably eventually versioned) and no longer have to resort to either UA parsing OR javascript-based feature detection, both of which are hacks because this problem hasn't actually been solved properly at the standards level.

The linked page mentions the Accept header, and notes that some popular browsers got it wrong at some point (maybe still?) so now no one can use it anymore. You propose something more specific, but not very different. It'll fall to the same fate eventually, but might give us a couple of years...

I don't think this is a viable solution because vendors are going to get the list wrong. Mobile browsers are a complete mess. Do you think that Apple would have sent a "File upload: Unsupported" flag when they temporarily broke file uploads in iOS 8.0?

In this specific use-case wouldn't plain old content-negotiation/accept headers work?

This is a great debate. I've thought about this quite a bit lately when the PageSpeed team was contacted by Microsoft [1] about the conflict between PageSpeed assuming that Android 4.0 can handle webp, and mobile IE masquerading as Android thus breaking on PageSpeed enabled sites.

The debate will never end but it's nice to understand the perspectives.

PageSpeed, plus other WPO tools and complex sites, want the first view to be fast and small. We measure our effectiveness on first-view speedup. The most effective way to get this is by UA sniffing. We know about the other mechanisms and use them too at times, but they don't produce results that are as good for metrics we care about. However we are pretty serious about doing a good job about robust UA parsing; we put more energy into getting this right than a web developer should be expected to expend. The downside (as Microsoft points out) is that when we have to make an update we can't push it to all our users instantly. We should consider mechanisms to dynamically load an updated UA-mapping from a server we control when PageSpeed starts up, but haven't started such an effort.

Browser vendors have their own legitimate motivations. Microsoft IE11 developers don't want to be punished for the shortcomings of earlier versions of IE, and want users of IE11 to get the best, most modern web sites possible, not the IE6 version. Microsoft justifiably wants servers to send mobile versions of sites to Windows Phones. I totally sympathize with their perspective. Chrome was in the same boat when it first launched so it has all kinds of masquerading in its UA and unfortunately still does. Same story, different decade.

[1] https://code.google.com/p/modpagespeed/issues/detail?id=978

Yay! Yet another image format that I can't open in Preview, if I save it to my hard drive.

Webp may be great for displaying in a web page, but it's TFU if I save it to my hard drive and try to view it with default viewing or editing software.

It may not be a proprietary format, but it might as well be.

It hardly seems fair to reject the format simply because Apple hasn't added support for it to their image viewer. At least here my desktop environment happily displayed the saved image with its built-in image viewer (Gwenview).

I'll admit that support for the format isn't perfect, but at least in your case it can be remedied pretty easily with a quick search [1]. That said, format adoption has to start somewhere. It'd be pretty sad if we were still using GIFs for all of our lossless images because PNGs were never allowed to catch on before they could become universally supported.

[1]: https://github.com/dchest/webp-quicklook

Thats odd, I have Gwenview 4.14.2 and qt 4.8.6, and webp doesn't resolve properly. Rekonq can't open it either, but Kolourpaint can and Krita cannot.

Is webp added in qt5?

What image formats are you hitting that Preview (I'm guessing you're on a Mac?) won't open?

BTW: gthumb opens it A-OK. So, maybe the issue isn't the openness of the format, but the openness of your platform?

Openness of your platform? God could we get any more passive aggressive with this open source bullshit? Honestly this kind of crap is like doing grade school all over again. Grow up already, does windows support webm/webp natively? Nope, needs plugins.

Webp is in a lot of the same boat as webm legally. It may be "open", whatever the fuck that means anymore, but that doesn't make it patent free or not needing of any licensing concerns. VP8/9/etc... aren't some public domain web format. Even webm infringed on H264 patents as of 2013. Do you really think that is an encouraging thing for lawyers of companies with legal liability to want to risk?

> Even webm infringed on H264 patents as of 2013

Where's your proof?

yet another? What others are there on the web?

I'm surprised preview doesn't do WebP, that's too bad.

Isn't this what Accept: image/webp is for?

It seems, for many of the reasons stated below, that feature detection in JavaScript will never be a sufficient solution. But clearly asking web developers to manually parse and interpret UA strings is asking for trouble.

Does anyone know if there is an authoritative database of user agent string, their associated browsers and the features of those browsers?

I agree this is a decent solution, and the one OP compares to is not.

But I would have javascript feature detect, and set a cookie based on what it found. Now, for all but the first page, the server can look at the cookie instead of the User-Agent string. Server just needs to sniff user-agent string if it doesn't (yet) have a cookie.

https://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/11/an-easier-way-of-using-pol... also had a small bit on UA over feature-detection

My personal approach...use feature detection for the first pass. User Agents for the cases where it doesn't work. And by the way, it doesn't always work, and some "features" cannot be detected.

I've spent a lot of time optimizing pages for video. Some browsers work just fine, some work but look like crap, so you use a flash/silverlight plugin, then a new version comes out and looks less crappy.

I also have a lot of code I turn off just for IE7...the code works, but doesn't render properly. There is no way to detect "renders ugly"

So, "YES", feature detection is the future...but it isn't quite there yet (about 98%).

Mr Kaufman, JavaScript is like violence: If it isn't solving your problems, then you're not using enough of it.


I have yet to see a solution that provides acceptable levels of client data and accuracy that completely avoids parsing the User Agent string. Feature detection alone won't cut it, and the converse is true as well.

So for the time being, the most effective method to optimize your website for the widest variety of clients, is to employ both User Agent parsing (server side) and feature detection (client side).

The author dismisses feature detection as being "slow", but it's much less error prone:


You can just cache the result in localStorage; you take a few-millisecond hit once.

Here's how the feature detection is done:


HOWEVER, in this case (webp), it's likely better to detect it on the server:

https://github.com/igrigorik/webp-detect (More info: http://www.stucox.com/blog/client-side-vs-server-side-detect...)

The only time you really should be looking at the User Agent is if you're trying to do something like show a "Download for (Chrome|Firefox|etc)" button.

Saving the query in localStorage won't make it any faster. If anything it will make it slower.

The performance issue the article mentions is that deciding which format to use in JavaScript breaks preload scanning and essentially serializes resource requests that would otherwise be parallel.

Doing the check itself is fast. It's just decoding a very small image in memory. Storing the result of that check persistently just adds more cost.

> HOWEVER, in this case (webp), it's likely better to detect it on the server:

It would be awesome if this idea could be extended to HTML. I'd love to see content negotiation in an Accept header, or some other kind of feature-list header that the browser sends to notify my server of what features it supports. I could then pass that data down to JS or, since the browser already knows that information, why not have a `navigator.features` object that developers can look in and see exactly what is supported? Would eliminate the need for Modernizr or performing your own feature detection...and save a lot of code.

Oh when you are trying to work around different bugs in browsers that claim to implement some features - i.e all the fucking time if you are doing interesting things client side.

> The only time you really should be looking at the User Agent is if you're trying to do something like show a "Download for (Chrome|Firefox|etc)" button.


I'm currently working on a site that uses react/flux with some use of media queries and size detection for rendering... effectively the phone and portrait tablet displays will be similar, and the desktop and large displays will also be similar... I'd prefer to be able to break this into two camps for the initial html sent to the browser (via server-side rendering) This way less is sent to the phone/tablet browsers to render initially... and less jarring change as other features load after initial display.

The only way to do this is browser sniffing.. although minimal.. for the most part if "phone" or "mobile" are in the browser I can send the lighter phone version... otherwise they initially get the desktop view. It isn't perfect, and to be honest, I'm doing more detection than just that.

There's also issues with where/when I can cash rendered output. And when/where I can cash certain results. For example the record id's for a given search will cache the first 10k id's so that paging becomes very fast, with the results limited to that set. Other queries will also be cached.

It really depends on what you are trying to do... growing from a few thousand users to millions takes some effort, planning, and thoughtfulness that isn't always the same.

The way I would design an app for a few hundred internal users isn't the same as for a public site, isn't the same for a very busy public site. You have to make trade offs or collapse.

Why should a phone user on a strained 3g connection get the content for a desktop browser.... By the same token, I HATE when I get a search result for a page on my phone, and that site redirects me to m.site.com/ (no path after /)... I don't just design/develop web based applications, I'm also a user...

I always wonder why the first browser to misidentify itself as something else wasn't sued.

I mean, I sure couldn't slap a "Internet Explorer" or "Netscape Navigator" splash screen on my shareware, but that's what they're doing in the User-Agent field.

Lying to people is not allowed, because you're tricking them into paying you based on false data. Lying to programs is allowed, because you're tricking them into working properly when they would otherwise fail. The first browser to do this had the same motivation as modern browsers do.

The fact that UA is so easily spoofed makes it a really poor choice.

Client side JS for feature detection can work well, I have a simple example in the code of http://http-echo.com

In practice webp isn't usually spoofed, and when it is it's by people who've thought through the consequences and are in a position to deal with potential breakages.

Client side feature detection can also be spoofed, but in practice that's bit a problem either.

On any decently sized site where you expect a user to visit multiple pages, you would load the optimized JPG on the first load, but also detect whether WEBP is supported, and if so, set a flag that will load WEBP for any additional loads.

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