The HN community was instrumental in getting my campaign funded, so I just wanted to say thank you. I also wanted to thank the investors who offered through HN, your offered support and praise has really meant a lot. This funding will allow me to keep the company private and hopefully one day fully open source everything permissively (full source is going public on Github in a few months regardless). I am streaming Voxel Quest all day with the new perspective camera being demoed on (link below), and I will answer any questions here as well. VQ is in its last day of Kickstarter if you still want to pitch in. Thanks again everybody, I am moved beyond words. :D
Edit: one side note - the perspective camera I am demoing was developed in the last week of running the KS campaign, so it is still quite buggy but nonetheless a good proof of concept. :)
Edit 2: also, it is amazing that we got there with zero coverage from gaming press! Thank you again HN for being the one site with enough "vision" to see something meaningful in my work. :)
(Youtube demo of perspective):
(Live demo):
(KS Link):
Edit: even posting individual links in a comment doesn't work anymore, for real. That' such great UX /s.
Edit2: Ah, sorry, links don't linkify if indented. Still, submission links for highly upvoted stories would be great.