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[dupe] Before the Startup (paulgraham.com)
14 points by gk1 on Oct 23, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

My mistake. I thought if it's already been posted then HN would redirect me to that discussion when I try to submit... That didn't happen.

btw, after so many startups already funded and sold it could be a nice idea to create by interviewing and maintain a list of what these startups are wishing to have but have no time/resources to work on it. This could be a list of ideas to accept as long as more than one or two startups are wishing for [not necessarily exactly] the same thing.)

My bet is that YC has a list like this, the question is why not to make it public (and dynamic) on this site.

Things like "less buggy PHP" or "less bloated Java" or "Java without aliasing bugs" could be filtered out automatically.

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