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In addition to the other posted replies, it's bad software engineering. You really can't be confident enough in your logic to ever start issuing DESTROY_HARDWARE() commands of any kind, short of the small set of very specialized programs that may be deliberately used for such things (FPGA programmers, etc). Any error whatsoever and you may end up nuking your real customer's hardware. Bad plan. Same reason why programs that think they are pirated shouldn't run around being actively destructive... some real customer will find some way to tickle that code, if only through bad hardware, and now you're in trouble.

To a first approximation, all code eventually runs. Relatedly, never put an error message into your product you wouldn't want customers to see, because they will.

Thanks, that's a great answer, but I guess I'm curious about legal/ethical considerations.

I can't find it anywhere, but I remember reading about a software company that wrote an office suite for early computers (like DOS or possibly even pre-DOS), that would detect if it was a legal copy, and if it wasn't a legal copy, would delete your data. I seem to recall that they got slammed by the legal system pretty hard, which is one possible reason for why software companies don't do it nowadays. I personally see this as an action on par with, or worse then, the software company I mentioned's actions.

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