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The thing about Apple is the positive bias they always get on HN. In these comments:

> Is there ANY evidence that Apple is collecting data.

> I'm not sure it's a contradiction either, more of an omission, he doesn't specifically address search data in that interview

> Doesn't seem like a data collection initiative. It seems more like a complementary search engine

> Do they do autocompletion suggestions like Chrome? That would seem like a good reason to collect this data.

> I actually personally don't mind sending my search data to Apple

It's just amazing. When Microsoft, Google or anyone else does it, it's EVIL and there's no other way to look at it, but when Apple does it, it's somehow perfectly OK, because, you know, they are the good guys.

I guess this is where the confirmation bias comes in.

As someone who would consider themselves to be a realistic 'Apple apologist' (I like Apple, as a company and their products, and tend to assume the positive for everything they do), I see a large negative bias against Apple on HN.

Probably it depends where you come from. If you always spend time on MacFans kind of forums, then yeah, I guess the HN crowd can sound pretty negative to Apple. But in comparison with other stories out there on HN, I feel Apple always gets away with better feedback no matter what they do.

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