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No, I'm saying the whisper locations are made up per #3 above.

ok, then can you explain how there can be a screenshot that states a user at location X said Y then?

As per the screenshot with the caption:

   A Whisper user posted this message from the vicinity of 
   the White House. The red dots indicate Whisper messages
   sent from that location. Potentially identifying 
   information has been redacted by the Guardian.

I think all they're saying is that the location X appears precise, but that it's not accurate. Just because the pin appears at location X doesn't mean that the user was actually at location X, simply that the database ended up recording their location as a (inaccurate) point that happened to be X, as opposed to recording an "area of uncertainty" or similar construct.

That may be true, but the meat of the contention is that Whisper are tracking their users' locations, even when those users asked Whisper not to. The accuracy of the tracking is a bit of a red herring: Whisper is tracking their users' location, without those users' consent.

I'm not trying to advocate one way or the other with this comment, just to clarify what is actually being argued about.

Why not allow people to choose where they want to post "from" instead?

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