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Not just web servers, but anything that calls system() or popen() is really calling the system shell, /bin/sh. On many systems, /bin/sh is really bash in sh compatability mode. That means all those perl scripts, CGI scripts, even DHCP clients expose the vulnerability. Ubuntu runs dash as /bin/sh instead, and most BSDs run ash, so they're not as vulnerable.

Edit: also, if you have ssh access to a non-login account, like for git access, this could execute commands on the remote host as if you had a shell.

Would a python web server (gunicorn, wsgi) behind nginx be vulnerable to this kind of problem?

I'm just pondering all the python library code out there which relies on calls to subprocess.Popen() to get things done. It seems like dynamic scripting languages with a tendancy to shell out to the system could be at risk of this or similar attacks.

It has to be subprocess.Popen(..., shell=True) to be a problem here, the default is shell=False.

(avoiding implicit shell=True was one of the motivations for the subprocess module)

No, because wsgi (i is for an interface here) does not use shell to pass data. Subprocess.Popen would only be a problem if it passes user-generated data as environment variables, and it doesn't do that by default. That's rarely needed, but you may want to review your code to be sure.

Actually I just tried on an app that runs on Gunicorn and does a Popen with shell=True, and it is vulnerable. A simple curl -A '() { :;}; touch /tmp/owned' did create the file on the server.

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