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Please forgive the Gawker media owned link; it's worth it.

On a more serious note, this also can be applied to the #YouCanLearnAnything campaign. Sure, it's a positive message, and probably true, but what to learn? I sympathize; what I've found helps is starting with two realizations:

1) The possibilities are quite literally endless; don't tell yourself you can't, because it's probably not true.

2) The one certain limitation is time.

With those two things in mind, it comes down to one question: what do you want to do with what time you have?

More deeply: what is important to you? How can you best achieve it? Is your scope to small? Good, you'll finish it fast. Is your scope too large? Try breaking it down, and realize you're only human. Anyone can change, but most people won't. Don't try to change everything at once; start small and keep focused on your long term goals.

I wish I could do significant research, contribute more to open source, build a business, etc. As it is, I'm too busy coding at the day job, and all my other time is eaten up by training for search and rescue and practicing for musical performances. I'm lucky I got time to setup a self-hosted cloud for the wife's new tablet this weekend. But those are the choices I've made, and I'm mostly happy with them.

Also related is differentiating between the things you want to happen or change vs things you want to change your self.

We are surrounded by problems and it can be easy to become bogged down trying/wanting to solve them all yourselves. Realize you are not alone, that many other people are also working to solve those problems. Try to focus on finding the problems that you can solve and that you want to solve.

> Please forgive the Gawker media owned link; it's worth it.

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