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just for the record there are some serious critics of oauth http://hueniverse.com/2012/07/26/oauth-2-0-and-the-road-to-h...

I find jwt a tinge too complex. On the other hand no solution for unified AAA exists on web that makes sense: HTTP is a stateless protocol.

I sometimes wish people wake up from the Oauth insanity and realize using a statefull TCP connection would drop the sessions problem.

Why use stateful protocol (Oauth) for a stateless protocol (HTTP) over a statefull protocol (TCP)?

Emitting token lasting more than 1 hour impersonating the user in an hostile environment seems quite a lot of risk (mathematically speaking)

I must be a grumpy old dev, but I kind of hear the oauth sweet song of easy secure cross security token like sirens trying to seduce me for crashing my ship on the havoc of security.

Security is a mine field. One step out of the «right way» and boom, it does not work while burning 25% of your CPU power, an hidden tax.

Oauth protocol is a multi-dimensionnal maze designed under LSD at my opinion, and I kind of feel it unsafe to take.

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