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Education isn't a right. It is a choice.

Education is a human right. http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml#a26

Of all of the countries that are top performing (as rated by NCEE), which have privatized school systems?


I can tell with certainty that my kids do not have all that much choice when it comes to education. By the time they will be old enough to get that choice, their education will be mostly done thing.

>Education isn't a right. It is a choice.

That's a poorly thought out platitude. Plenty of rights are also choices such as the right to vote, to remain silent, to bear arms, to a trial by jury.

I just said its not a right. So to equate it to other rights doesn't make sense.

You said "Education isn't a right. It is a choice." By the pragmatics of English, this is reasonably interpreted as "Education isn't a right [because] it is a choice". Pointing out that other rights are choices refutes that. If it wasn't what you were trying to say, you should clarify.

No, it's your duty. Society suffers, in general, when people are not educated. We really should insist on requiring more of people.

You can say the same thing about public sanitation.

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