Remove the unsafe package asap, and do database operations the safe way.
edit: For downvoters, the author has the 'development mode' package still in the project which allows you full read/write to the database without any credentials from the web console. All that is necessary is for someone to guess the name of one of the collections.
What made you say that? Maybe it's changed now but I don't think the site had that package? Were you able to modify content through the browser console?
Thanks for pointing that out! As Justin said I'm still working on it, although I know it doesn't seem like it sometimes. Right now we're working on a cool new feature that will help clients estimate their design budget :)
The audience we are targeting is very similar to However, the type of community we aim to build is somewhat different: we want to be the Hacker News for bootstrappers, the site you go check on a daily basis to get the latest news of the community. discussions are a bit more forum-like.
One thing I like about the way subreddit's pages are is they often have a sidebar wiki that contains a recommended book list, some recommended reading, beginner tutorials, related communities and forums etc.
It might be a good idea to add something similar, just an idea.
Second: IMHO, I really do think this suffers from being a single page app. It's essentially an HN clone. Would HN be better if it was a single page app? No, it would probably be worse.
Telescope creator here. You're not wrong, there's definitely some downsides to Telescope being a single-page app. The two big ones are a longer initial loading time, and making it harder to cache the app.
That being said, there are also advantages: for example, once the initial load is done, the next page loads are pretty much instant.
In any case, I'm hoping that Meteor eventually implements server-side template rendering. When that happens, Meteor apps like Telescope will in theory benefit from the advantages of both static and single-page apps.
That's actually my fault, it's a Telescope bug. It was fixed in one of the recent updates, but I guess the site was probably running a slightly outdated version.
We used It's a great open source project. For this initial version of, the site is basically what you get out if the box from Major props to the makers of this open source project.
edit: For downvoters, the author has the 'development mode' package still in the project which allows you full read/write to the database without any credentials from the web console. All that is necessary is for someone to guess the name of one of the collections.