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How are you guys able to use these cloud backup solutions for more than a handful of documents?

I have 30Mbps down/.5Mbps up. It takes about a minute to upload one JPEG off my DSLR. I can't imagine how much time it would take to upload a ~100gb full disk backup.

I'd love to use Arq, but I think I'd have to live in a Google Fiber city.

My `daily` backup is actually nightly, at 2AM which happens to coincide nicely with when my ISP's network is quiet enough that my upload is higher (still a paltry 4mbit).

Amusingly, for the initial backup of my my home desktops I actually lugged them to work and plugged into our 10Gbit network. My homedirs are backed up nightly, but the delta is rarely over a a gig or two per machine. I have something like 7TB backed up over the course of a few years, a lot fo it on my pitiful 2-3mbit.

I have the fastest upload available in my area (5 Mbps) and my initial backup may have taken a month or two for something to the tune of 900 GB. You certainly don't need 1 Gbps to backup remotely but 500 Kbps might not be quite enough.

>I have 30Mbps down/.5Mbps

Well there's your problem. I've got a 10 Mbps upstream connection, so it never takes more than a few minutes to back things up.

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