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I think the deeper you make it, the less dull it becomes. For example, I realize all the personalities are created by a relatively repetitive grammar, but all the same I think that it adds flavor to the game with all the little quirks.

You could say the same about movies, or literature. There are many repetitive plot choices, tropes, and cliches that are repeated, but little nuances and tweaks here and there make it interesting. In the Sims, if you think about it there's very little variation in the "sliders", pick a job, have nonsensical conversations, woohoo, and then lock everyone in a room and burn them alive, but the game draws you in because there is enough detail that the human mind can draw a narrative. You've seen the landscapes in Minecraft before, but that makes it no less fun to try and dig to the bottom to find the big caves and pits.

So yes, this game will be really dull if they do sort of a breadth first procedural generation. But if they succeed in adding features that make every interaction deep, I think it could be very absorbing. Sure, maybe it's just another variation of CrocodilePerson, but this particular one has a monogomous mate and 4 children, has scars from a fight with a WereRabbit, grew up without a father and sometimes thinks about it, is well known for his tracking abilities, ect.. I think that kind of depth really adds to the experience.

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