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Time to get in touch with the press. 25 bugs in something health-critical? They'll have a field day.

My hope (which is steadily fading) was to make contact with someone in the development team to suggest a few improvements and show a few of the more obscure bugs that I haven't reported. I'd love to be able to positively influence the development. There has been limited "end user" input as far as I can tell and some small changes would make the platform so much more powerful. The upside to the lack of communication is that I've begun leaning to code and use my code on my phone to bypass the scanner's crap - without the poor scanner interface I wouldn't have done this. I should note that my basic code is truly awful to look at, although it works reliably and does a better job of its small task than the multimillion dollar console I use.

They're waiting for patents on all the stuff you suggested before contacting you back to say that you've violated their intellectual property. Don't worry. You'll hear from them soon enough...

There are so many layers between you and the developer... Without going to specifics, probably about 5. There's pretty much no chance you get to interact with the developers directly.

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