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I don't want to start a east coast vs. west coast feud over how rich boys spend their money, but there's a difference. I can spot an east coast transplant, even after they lose the accent--and they think, and spend their money differently too. There are always exceptions, but in my world East coast men are more competitive, less empathetic, and have taken more money out of my pocket than west coast men. Yes--I'm stereotyping, but in my world I try to avoid doing business with people who grew up in highly populated areas of the east coast. It's harder to make money on the east coast. I couldn't imagine trying to compete in New York. I'll get beat up over this post, "down voted", whatever--I've just noticed real differences in people between the two coasts. I'm tired of being so polite--oops I did it again.

Interesting observation. Being a native Northeasterner, I'd love to know more about the spending patterns of East Coast men even if it's a wild generalization.

I was in NYC over the weekend and Los Angeles - for my first time - back in April. Both large cities with large populations. Both trips were for mostly pleasure. In NYC I stayed in Williamsburg; in LA I stayed in Silver Lake. LA had a very laid back feel to it. Maybe it has to do with all the space. NYC is pure congestion. Wherever you are, a few hundred people around you are trying to pass through that same space. It keeps you moving, hustling to keep from being run over or an obstacle. I loved both cities, but they have very different "feels".

LA is also nearly always sunny and comfortable, so there's always a large number of people that just decided to spend the day outside, relaxing.

I grew up in the DC area and lived there for 8 years after college. Moved to SF (now Oakland) 6.5 years ago.

I'm not sure it's truly accurate, but the east coast, DC and NYC in particular, feel like a dog-eat-dog, I'll do anything to get ahead, kind of place while the bay area feels like a much more friendly competitive environment.

Whatever the cause, there is a very real difference in attitude between the two coasts.

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