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Sharing a lot of the Dropwizard philosophy, there is Spring Boot (http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/), which we use and love as well.

I'm not clear, just did a ton of Googling and I think maybe spring.io is related to the Spring Framework at VMware. That would mean it's dependency injection.

Rather than downvote you, I thought I'd clear up the confusion. Yes Spring.io is the Spring Framework's website. Spring the framework is a dependency injection framework, but that's not all it does. There are other modules, like Spring Roo, Spring MVC, Spring JPA, etc that provide more than just dependency injection.

OK, I recalled it being a different looking site about three years ago then I saw Pivotal at the bottom of the page so I'm still not sure if VMware sold the Spring business or what. The whois reports for vmware.com and spring.io look nothing alike either. Thanks for clarifying spring.io is really Spring Framework.

VMware is owned by EMC. VMware bought Spring Source. EMC bought Pivotal Labs. VMware and EMC subsequently decided to spin-out a few of their acquisitions, including Spring and Pivotal Labs: into a company they dubbed Pivotal Software.

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