Because I've delayed learning a high-level programming language for too long, I have not developed a strong bias toward any in particular. I will code a web app for my current project whose main function will be a search engine for a local index of profiles. From preliminary research, I'm convinced that Lisp or Python are great choices. I've begun learning and will become proficient in both (I've chosen Clojure as the dialect of Lisp). I've found a lot of very good resources to get me started with Python, and therefore I'm leaning more towards Python with Django for my web app.
Some smart hackers evangelize the power of Lisp over other languages. The main advantage, as I understand from my novice perspective, is the ability to create and use macros. Is there anything I should be aware of that may cause me to wish I hadn't chosen Python over Clojure to code the prototype? In my ignorance, I may be asking that you infer too much before answering. If you need more explicit info for my specific situation, then please ask. Thank you very much for your time.