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- Catastrophes happened in the past that killed lots of people. Technology did not always save our ass

- Read "Collapse"

- What about resources like housing? It sounds to me as if housing in SF has run out? Build lots of skyscrapers everywhere? Then what about sunlight in your apartment?

> What about resources like housing? It sounds to me as if housing in SF has run out? Build lots of skyscrapers everywhere? Then what about sunlight in your apartment?

I think in a tradeoff of "There's literally no more room for anybody to live," and "I have to go outside to get sunlight," I'd choose the latter.

Sure, but I don't think it really qualifies as "see, science solves every problem". And what if there are houses everywhere? There will be time slots for rooftops. After a certain size of the houses, there will not be enough rooftops for everyone to get sunshine.

I'll take option 3: encourage smaller families and lower fertility rates.

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