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A bit of advice from someone who is trying to do the same:

- Learn one language/ platform at a time. Also, think about what you want to learn. Web development? Mobile? CS fundamentals? It is very easy to waste alot of time when your are not focussed on a particular goal.

- Try not to get tricked into spending to much time on those fancy looking tutorials. Building something yourself is much more valuable than obtaining meaningless 'badges' and achievements.

- Ruby on Rails is complex and I would not recommend it for beginners. I wasted alot of time doing tutorials that covered random parts of rails that I never used in projects. Again, if you want to learn Rails, start your own project as soon as possible and select learning materials based on that.

- Stick with the basics. Try not to get distracted by frameworks, tools and the overwhelming amount of tutorials available.

for javaScript, have a look at this:


Ruby / Python:

http://learncodethehardway.org/ https://www.udacity.com/course/cs101

rails http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html

good luck

Agreed Thomas! Thanks for your input.

I am learning for the sole intent of then being able to immediately put into action what I've learnt within the startup environment and also contribute to open source projects where I can :)

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