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Last time a politician was worried about non-zero probabilities, the U.S. invaded Iraq. I mean, if changing the probability someone's home gets broken into is our standard of practice nowadays there's a lot of companies which will have to close down today.

I reckon non-anonymous bitcoin holders are at greater risk than the average person with money in the bank, since draining the account of the former is a relative cinch once the keys are divulged. The whole crime could be completed within a few minutes.

That much may be true, but I'd consider that an inherent risk associated with using Bitcoin without using a pseudonym. Maybe I'm naïve but I have to assume people who care about such things are already tracking IP addresses directly from the Bitcoin network swarm itself for later investigation...

Likely Coinbase customers expected Coinbase to keep their real name secure from potential thieves. But they thought wrongly.

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