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Ask HN: Am I doing it wrong?
1 point by burgalon on March 31, 2014 | hide | past | favorite
This is the second month that I've quit my job as an engineer in NYC and am now busy bootstrapping a new startup. A few days ago, I met for coffee with another entrepreneur who is also bootstrapping his own service in the same domain. At this point I had a full beta product working, and working full steam to iterate on it, while he had 2 more technical guys aside him but no product or anything to see. Few days after, I met with the CTO friend of that startup, and he tried recruiting me. I was amused and answered politely that I am 100% dedicated working on my own service. Today this has happened again with a different guy.

This got me thinking: Maybe I'm not creating enough "buzz" around myself? (if I'd knew what this means exactly, I might be doing this) Not making myself look enough busy?

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