No, I got the analogy, but it fails because only one of the two analogy relationships involves the concept of self, which is quantitatively different from a simple physical process (at the very least, it's an extraordinarily complex physical process that exceeds our current understanding).
But this is clearly flamewar material for a lot of you, so this is my last comment on the matter.
We don't understand what it is yet, but more and more data points to what you have in parantheses - that it's an extraordinarily complex physical process. But even its extraordinary complexity is simpler than the other explanation you are offering, which is the possibility of a supernatural entity, for which you have to assert a whole new class of phenomena that somehow interacts with physical phenomena but is also fundamentally different from it. Then you have to go and explain why something that isn't physical can interact causally with something that is.
But this is clearly flamewar material for a lot of you, so this is my last comment on the matter.