I have considered nominating your post above for 'flag' status, insofar as it fails to fulfil the stated criteria of constituting news by virtue of its publication over 44 years ago.
Upon reflection, however, it is plain to me that your actions are motivated by a childish enjoyment of witty and amusing remarks, and to nominate it as flagworthy would grant unworthy importance to what may be justifiably labeled a mere bagatelle.
I adjure you, however, not to mistake my forbearance in this matter for some kind of implicit approval, and request that you henceforth adopt a more sober and rigorous attitude, and set aside your pursuit of so-called 'fun'.
Ooh, this is the original statement of Parkinson's Law by C. Northcote Parkinson himself. It was later published as the first chapter of a book with other legendary humorous essays on management, including the one about the bicycle shed that led to the term "bikeshedding".
Later, "Dr. Lawrence J. Peter" (of "The Peter Principle") followed in Parkinson's footsteps. Nowadays the mantle is held by Scott Adams, of course.
Completists may wish to also hunt down Mrs. Parkinson's Law and In-Laws and Outlaws. I also advise keeping a second copy of Parkinson's Law, to loan out ;-)
I have considered nominating your post above for 'flag' status, insofar as it fails to fulfil the stated criteria of constituting news by virtue of its publication over 44 years ago.
Upon reflection, however, it is plain to me that your actions are motivated by a childish enjoyment of witty and amusing remarks, and to nominate it as flagworthy would grant unworthy importance to what may be justifiably labeled a mere bagatelle.
I adjure you, however, not to mistake my forbearance in this matter for some kind of implicit approval, and request that you henceforth adopt a more sober and rigorous attitude, and set aside your pursuit of so-called 'fun'.
Brigadier E. J. Thribb (retired)