| | Ask HN: technical cofounder won't use version control and dismisses refactoring | |
2 points by boggled on March 1, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
| | I have a technical cofounder who refuses to use version control and who is strongly discouraging me from redesigning and refactoring bloated multi-purpose objects. My efforts to broach these subjects are greeted with an angrily and aggressively uttered, "WHY?" and "that's in the category of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it.'" This is to say nothing of introducing tests (some agreement there, at least in principle) or anything as ambitious as continuous integration. I'm limping along and am inclined to fork the project (my components are in version control anyway). What do you do in the face of implacable intransigence? |
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The truth might be somewhere in between but worrying about bloated code while at an early stage must just be counter-productive. You might find something to add rather than something to maintain.