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Not sure why, but HN user "IsaacSchlueter", who purports to be the comment thread moderator, posted an explanation/rebuttal/apology to the OP in this comment thread an hour ago.


However, Isaac has been hellbanned...I'll repost just to give him the benefit of the doubt:


> We didn't moderate away anything. I am literally the only person who CAN moderate those comments, and I was at a conference all day. 100% of my online time was spent working with my team to figure out the fastest path to a fix. We didn't realize the extent until way too late, and that's bad on us. I apologize. I didn't delete your comment. I'll look at the moderation queue and see if maybe disqus is set to auto-hide after some time or something. I'm sorry for the confusion there.

Not hellbanned, probably just tripped up by the duplicate comment detector: https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=IsaacSchlueter

I was wondering if the rate of voting or the absolute value of the post's rating (it had a ton of upvotes) triggered a Disqus protection thinking it was a flame war, similar to flamewar protection on HN.

That's why I moderate comments directly myself on my own blog, without using Disqus or akismet. Those systems have false positives.

I eliminated almost all my comment spam by writing a custom version of the Growmap Anti-Spam plugin.

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