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Ask HN: Why is "Programming With Types, Not Tutorials" dead?
13 points by anonymouz on Feb 25, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7298646 seems to have gathered a reasonable number of upvotes, and a discussion was starting. The article seems relevant to the site. Having heard quite a few people complain about spurious moderation on HN, I am left wondering why this article is dead? Is there any way of auditing such decisions?

I don't know, but the same article was submitted 3 hours before




(2 points, 5 hours ago, 0 comments)




[dead] (41 points, 2 hours ago, 11 comments)

True, but that's not at all uncommon. Perhaps it was submitted by the same person? Still, that'd hardly be a reason to shut down the conversation.

Probably because of pressure from Big Tutorial.

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