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What is the encrypt() for? Anyone who recovers your DB will recover the key.

Not necessarily, if the database server is separated from the app server. If only the db is compromised, an attacker would first have to crack the encryption key, before being able to crack the password hash. But apart from the encryption key being really long, I believe that there's also no easy way of knowing if you cracked it, because all output would just look like a hash.

I think this is actually a great idea. Imagine someone steals your database with 100,000 user accounts, and wants to find a few users who used the password: "password123". They could easily take each salt and calculate password hashes in parallel, and would probably find at least one user account using that password. However, if the hashes were also encrypted with an unknown key, then none of your user's passwords could ever be cracked.

I'm actually surprised this is the first time I read about encrypting password hashes. I think the Rails gem "devise" should do this by default.

I had same thoughts about that idea with encryption. In theory getting passwords is just matter of time. Encrypted hashes give you more time and additional challenge for attacker.

in article as encryption AES used to encrypt resulting hash.

The article doesn't really justify this. What benefit does the block cypher offer with a fixed key offer over not using a block cypher with a fixed key?

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