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Main Development Hardware: * i7-3930 @ 3.2 GHz/16 GB Ram/240 GB SSD/1 TB HD * NVidia GeForce GTX 680 (For CUDA programming) * 24" 1900x1200 Dell monitor on LCD Arm * Quickfire Keyboard * KVM Switch (for linux/mac secondary systems)

Software: * emacs (in evil mode/development wiki in org-mode) * zsh/tmux/git/cmake * 99% of time programming C++. Compilers: Visual Studio 2013 (main)/Clang (secondary)/gcc (secondary) * Windows 7 (main)/Linux (secondarily)/Mac (secondarily)

If I could change one thing? Faster compile times!!!! Anything that would improve turnaround time would be a huge productivity boost for me. I still think C++ is the right language for my project (vision related), but sometimes I dream about using a language with blazing fast compiles.

>I still think C++ is the right language for my project (vision related)

Interesting. What is the advantage to C++ in the context of CV that outweights the long compile time for you?

1) Easy access to good vision libraries (in particular OpenCV and ITK)

2) Fairly easy to parallize algorithms w/ OpenMP or Intel's TBB.

3) Compilers (well, Intel C++ anyway) are good at vectorizing code.

4) No garbage collection. I can work with fairly large images and I don't worry about g.c. (This may be a conservative hangup of mine. As of a couple years ago anyway g.c. would run out of memory when crunching though a set of large images).

5) Decent GUI libraries for cross platform interactive GUIs (wxwidgets and QT in particular).

(And, to be honest, it's also the language I know best and I'm most comfortable in).

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