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    the difference is not by the state but by individuals.
And therein lies the distinction. We still have a long way to go, but our laws are structured and being structured in a way that protects those rights. Even though some states might be trying to push back the tide of tolerance, the momentum is seriously in the direction of equal rights. Every country has idiots and bigots, but when a state sponsors such bigotry, then the light should be shined on those wrongs. Our ignoble idiots exonerate actions of legislators and leaders in Russia.

Did you know that in Russia you can't get fired for being gay? At the same time it is perfectly legal to do so in United States. When did it become legal in United States for gays to have sex? Kinda like in 2003...except 13 states have not repealed sodomy laws. By the way, sodomy is perfectly legal in Russia since 1993.

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